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By Christine Brinley October 7, 2024
Welcome to Brinley! To help you feel more comfortable and confident, we’ve put together a guide on what you can expect during your first consultation and answered some of the most common questions we hear from our patients.
By Maria Karubin April 29, 2024
The Need for Interceptive Orthodontic Treatment
December 1, 2023
Choosing an orthodontist in St. Louis? Experience the difference with Brinley Orthodontics, where local expertise meets community care.
By Dr. Brinley January 24, 2023
As adults, it’s easy to perceive things today as we did when we were kids. But as the world continues to evolve and technology improves how we approach self-care, many of those old perceptions go away. ● We aren’t attached to the wall by a cord anymore when speaking on the phone. ● We don’t need to carry a book of CDs in our car to listen to music (also, what’s a CD?). ● We don’t need to go out to the driveway to get the newspaper. These changes have all been accepted and adopted seamlessly, but for some reason, we still see braces as an inconvenience. Why is that? Let’s Straighten Out the Myths Today, braces and aligners are not only comfortable and stylish, but can be invisible… and even removable . Brackets and aligners have come a long way in the last few decades. In fact, they’ve become so convenient that more and more adults are deciding to finally straighten their teeth, or revisit their alignment needs. Whether stainless steel braces, ceramic braces, or removable aligners, there is now a perfect solution for smiles of all ages. Let’s break down the three myths surrounding adult braces. 1. “They’re only for kids and teenagers.” You ar e never too old to get braces. Today, parents are walking out of their orthodontist’s office alongside their children with the confidence that orthodontic treatment will help a chieve the smile they’ve always wanted. But heads up, Mom: Your 12-year old will keep an eye on your taffy and popcorn intake, too. :-) Orthodontics can benefit people of all ages, growing up doesn’t have to count you out. S traight teeth are healthier teeth, as they’re easier to clean and in a more stable position within the bone. Find out what treatment options will work best for you and see the difference. 2. “They’re so painful.” Not anymore. Application, maintenance, and removal of braces or aligner attachments has never been more simple. Today’s more flexible material enables smoother and more gentle movement of your teeth. You or your child will never have to deal with the pain that came with old-school appliances. 3. “Braces are ugly.” It could be argued that braces were never ugly. They’ve always been as small and unintrusive as the latest technology would allow. But today, they’re either practically, or completely , invisible. Even the tradition al stainless steel braces are designed to be smaller, more durable, and extremely easy to keep clean. Ceramic braces are made of clear materials and are typically used on the upper teeth so that they are less visible when smiling or talking. Most of the archwires used to align your teeth are available in white so they aren’t as noticeable as traditional metal wires. Clear and comfortable acrylic aligners are the real game-changers, though. They offer invisibility as well as the option to remove them when eating or brushing your teeth. 4. BONUS MYTH: “I can’t afford them.” All of the latest options in dental alignment are available to you at a comfortable price. We know that cavities in the wallet can be as troublesome as the ones in your mouth, so getting clear, esthetic, and lightweight braces with Brinley Orthodontics can happen with any insurance, and comes with 0% financing. That’s something to smile about. Your smile is one of the few things you use all day, every day. So smile now, pay the rest later. We offer today’s best options for getting braces at all ages, ones that bust all the old myths. With the help of cutting edge technology like Invisalign, Brinley Orthodontics can make braces disappear from your perfect smile. Stay smiling!
September 27, 2022
Having braces put on can be exciting: it’s the first step in the journey to a better, healthier smile. However, life with braces is a little different than life without them– especially when it comes to meal time! There are quite a few foods, including some favorites and chow-time staples, that just don’t get along with braces. Learning what they are and making the effort to avoid them can be the difference between a bright, straightened, on-time smile, or a stained smile that takes far longer than it should. Sticky Foods Sticky foods wreak havoc on your braces! Caramels, gummy bears, taffy, and gum can bend, and worse, break the wires of your braces. They can also separate your brackets from your teeth, possibly extending your time in braces. These sweet treats are tempting, but you’re better off avoiding them while your braces are on. Hard & Crunchy Foods Like sticky foods, hard & crunchy foods can bend the wires of your braces and knock off your brackets. These are usually snack foods (the most tempting): chips, hard candies (think Jolly Ranchers), hard cookies, and crackers. The last snack in this group: popcorn. Sitting down to watch a movie without it might seem impossible, but it’s worth avoiding to prevent broken brackets and extended treatment time. Chewy Foods Chewy foods can be just as damaging as Hard or Sticky foods. Eating chewy foods with braces on can often break your brackets. They can be difficult to clean from under your wires which can lead to cavities and gum disease!  Bagels, beef jerky, licorice and pizza crust are some examples of chewy foods to avoid. If you absolutely cannot live without bready pizza crust and bagels, breaking them into small pieces and chewing them with your back teeth is a good idea– but avoiding them all together is even better. Foods You Bite Into This category might be one of the most frustrating for patients with braces. Biting into foods like apples, corn on the cob, and worse yet– burgers and hot dogs, could cause bent wires and broken brackets. It’s best to cut some of these summer cookout favorites into smaller, bite-sized pieces and avoid biting into them straight on. Acidic / Sugary Beverages You might think your favorite juices and sodas are exempt from this sort of list. A nice, tall glass of Coca-Cola can’t break a bracket or bend a wire, can it? No, but what it can do is damage your tooth enamel. Acidic and Sugary beverages all cause tooth decay, damaging the enamel and leaving behind white spots. These spots are often permanent, even after your braces are removed! It may seem like a big sacrifice to forego your favorite foods while you’re getting your teeth straightened, and it is. But, when you’re taking proper care of your teeth and not having to come in to repair broken brackets or replace bent wires, the time flies! Do yourself a favor and avoid the foods on this list to fasttrack your way to a better, brighter smile.
By Dr. Brinley November 19, 2021
There's More to a Smile than Straight Teeth!
By Christine Brinley August 24, 2021
Orthodontic treatment is no longer just for teens. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists states that one in five orthodontic patients is over the age of 21. Many adults are choosing to receive treatment because they understand the importance of maintaining their health, and they want to feel better about their appearance. Adults everywhere are taking advantage of the opportunity to receive orthodontic care, and now you can too.
By Christine Brinley August 24, 2021
Braces, retainers, and everything else that you want to know about orthodontics! You've just heard the three words that every teen dreads: “YOU NEED BRACES!”
By Christine Brinley August 24, 2021
While there is no exact age for children to begin orthodontic treatment, the American Association of Orthodontists recommends visiting the orthodontist around age seven. By this age, most children have a mix of baby teeth and adult teeth, making it easier for the orthodontist to diagnose and correct tooth and jaw problems sooner and without surgery. Early treatment allows your orthodontist to: Correct and guide the growth of your child's jaw to help the permanent teeth come in straight Regulate the width of the upper and lower arches Create more space for crowded teeth Avoid the need for permanent tooth extractions later in life Correct thumb sucking and help improve minor speech problems For parents, it's not always easy to know if your child may need orthodontic treatment. Here are a few things to look for that may mean your child needs to see an orthodontist: Early or late loss of baby teeth A hard time chewing or biting food Mouth breathing Finger or thumb sucking Crowded, misplaced, or blocked teeth Jaws that pop or make sounds when opening and closing Teeth that come together abnormally, or do not come together at all Jaws and teeth that are not proportionate to the rest of the face Crowded front teeth around age seven or eight Please contact our practice to schedule an appointment for an orthodontic evaluation. Early treatment now will give your child a healthy, beautiful smile for the future.
By Christine Brinley August 20, 2021
Getting braces or Invisalign seems like a right of passage these days. That being said, the only way to really know if you need orthodontia is to get a professional’s opinion. Keep reading for 10 signs that it might be time to make an appointment with an orthodontist.
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